Also known as Block Number. The block height, which indicates the length of the blockchain,increases after the addition of the new block.
The hash of the block header of the current block.
The date and time at which a block is mined.
The number of transactions in the block. Transactions are the result of contract execution that involves Ether value.
The total gas used in the block and its percentage of gas filled in the block.
Total gas limit provided by all transactions in the block.
The amount of effort required to mine a new block. The difficulty algorithm may adjust according to time.
Any data that can be included by the miner in the block.
Miner who successfully include the block onto the blockchain.
Block nonce is a value used during mining to demonstrate proof of work for a block.
Also known as Block height. The block Number, which indicates the length of the blockchain,increases after the addition of the new block.
The hash of the block from which this block was generated, also known as its parent block.
The mechanism which Ethereum Javascript RLP encodes an empty string.
The root hash of the Merkle tree of transactions of the block.
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Total difficulty of the chain until this block.